Related publications and presentations:
Peer-reviewed Publications
Lobos Lillo D., Delgado F., Pritchard M.E., Ruprecht P., Muñoz-Saez C. (2024) Multiple sources of elevation change during and after the 2011-2012 Cordón Caulle, Chile eruption measured by satellite topographic time series. Accepted at Volcanica
Phelps P.R., Gonnermann H.M., Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Liao Y., Delgado F., Pritchard M.E. (2023) Feasibility of melt segregation from a crystal mush in response to the 2011-12 eruption at Cordón Caulle, Chile. Geophysical Journal International 235, 610–634, doi:10.1093/gji/ggad259
Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Gonnermann H., Phelps P., Muñoz-Saez C., Delgado F., Pritchard M., Amigo A. (2022) Insights for crystal mush storage utilizing mafic enclaves from the 2011-12 Cordón Caulle eruption. Scientific Reports 12, 9734. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-13305-y
Ruprecht P. (2024) The volcanic system of Puyehue Cordón Caulle and its links of mafic magmatism driving and feeding large silicic eruptions. Workshop Mantle Magma Supply, Palisades.
Ruprecht P. (2024) The volcanic system of Puyehue Cordon Caulle and its relationships to near and far-field hazards. IPOC Potsdam 2024.
Topp A., Ruprecht P. Giachetti, T., Wiejaczka J., Lobos D., Pritchard M., Winslow H. (2023) Deformation of tephra deposits caused by surface interactions with lava flows at the 2011-2012 Cordón Caulle eruption, Chile. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Oeser M., Weyer S., Phelps P., Gonnermann H., Wiejaczka j., Lobo D., Giachetti T., Pritchard M., Delgado F., Muñoz Saez C. (2023) Using mineral-scale techniques to uncover pre-eruptive conditions and timing of magmatic processes within a crystal mush. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl. (INVITED)
Phelps P.R., Gonnermann H.M., Ruprecht P., Winslow H., Liao Y., Delgado F., Pritchard M. (2023) Melt extraction from a magma mush at Cordón Caulle, Chile. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly.
Lobos Lillo D., Sanchez P., Phelps P., Gomez-Patron A., Ruprecht P., Zheng W., Winslow H., Wiejaczka J., Becerra P., Delgado F., Munoz C., Reath K., Pritchard M., Gonnermann G., Giachetti T. (2023) Surface temperatures of the Cordon Caulle (Chile) 2011–2012 laccolith mapped in the thermal IR by a UAV and satellites. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly.
Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Oeser M., Weyer S., Gonnermann H., Phelps P., Pritchard M., Delgado F., Muñoz-Saez C. (2023) Crystal mush evolution and storage conditions at Cordón Caulle, Chile. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly.
Gomez-Patron A., Lobos D., Sanchez P., Phelps P., Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Pritchard M., Delgado F., Reath K., Muñoz-Saez C. (2022) Analyzing changing thermal features at Puyehue-Cordon Caulle, Chile using satellite, field, and drone observations. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Gonnermann H., Phelps P., Pritchard M., Delgado F., Muñoz-Saez C. (2021) Crystal-mush storage constraints for the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic complex AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
Phelps P., Gonnermann H., Liao Y., Ruprecht P., Winslow H., Jordan J. (2021) Connecting Magma Chamber Mush Dynamics to Post Eruptive Reinflation at Cordón Caulle. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
Winslow E., Ruprecht P. (2021) Determining crystal-mush storage conditions and rhyolite formation for the 2011-12 Puyehue Cordón Caulle eruption. Geologic Society of American Cordilleran Section, Reno.
Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Gonnermann H., Phelps P., Pritchard M., Delgado F., Muñoz-Saez C., Amigo A. (2020) Crystal-Mush Storage and Rhyolite Formation for the 2011-12 Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Eruption (INVITED), AGU Fall Meeting 2020.
Phelps P., Gonnermann H., Delgado F., Pritchard M.E., Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Amigo A., Muñoz-Saez C. (2019) Post-Eruptive Reinflation of Cordón Caulle, Chile, by Melt Extraction from a Crystalline Mush. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V23D-0252.
Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Gonnermann H., Phelps P., Pritchard M.E., Delgado F., Muñoz-Saez C., Amigo A., (2019) Exploring the Role of Mafic Magmas and Their Volatile Content During the 2011-12 Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Eruption. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V23D-0243. (AGU Outstanding Student Presentation Award)
Ruprecht P., Winslow H. (2017) Short-circuiting magma differentiation from basalt straight to rhyolite? AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V11C-0366.
Ruprecht P., Winslow H., Pritchard M., Basualto D., Garcia F. (2017) Recharge of silicic magmatic systems - Mafic magmas driving the 2011 Puyehue-Cordón Caulle eruption? IAVCEI. (INVITED)
Pritchard M.E., Delgado F., Ruprecht P., Lundgren P.R., Anderson K., Lara L. E., Bertin D., Kubanek J., Reath K. (2017) Precursors and evolution of the 2011-2012 rhyodacite eruption of Cordón Caulle, southern Chile. IAVCEI. (INVITED)
Peer-reviewed Publications
Lobos Lillo D., Delgado F., Pritchard M.E., Ruprecht P., Muñoz-Saez C. (2024) Multiple sources of elevation change during and after the 2011-2012 Cordón Caulle, Chile eruption measured by satellite topographic time series. Accepted at Volcanica
Phelps P.R., Gonnermann H.M., Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Liao Y., Delgado F., Pritchard M.E. (2023) Feasibility of melt segregation from a crystal mush in response to the 2011-12 eruption at Cordón Caulle, Chile. Geophysical Journal International 235, 610–634, doi:10.1093/gji/ggad259
Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Gonnermann H., Phelps P., Muñoz-Saez C., Delgado F., Pritchard M., Amigo A. (2022) Insights for crystal mush storage utilizing mafic enclaves from the 2011-12 Cordón Caulle eruption. Scientific Reports 12, 9734. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-13305-y
Ruprecht P. (2024) The volcanic system of Puyehue Cordón Caulle and its links of mafic magmatism driving and feeding large silicic eruptions. Workshop Mantle Magma Supply, Palisades.
Ruprecht P. (2024) The volcanic system of Puyehue Cordon Caulle and its relationships to near and far-field hazards. IPOC Potsdam 2024.
Topp A., Ruprecht P. Giachetti, T., Wiejaczka J., Lobos D., Pritchard M., Winslow H. (2023) Deformation of tephra deposits caused by surface interactions with lava flows at the 2011-2012 Cordón Caulle eruption, Chile. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Oeser M., Weyer S., Phelps P., Gonnermann H., Wiejaczka j., Lobo D., Giachetti T., Pritchard M., Delgado F., Muñoz Saez C. (2023) Using mineral-scale techniques to uncover pre-eruptive conditions and timing of magmatic processes within a crystal mush. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl. (INVITED)
Phelps P.R., Gonnermann H.M., Ruprecht P., Winslow H., Liao Y., Delgado F., Pritchard M. (2023) Melt extraction from a magma mush at Cordón Caulle, Chile. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly.
Lobos Lillo D., Sanchez P., Phelps P., Gomez-Patron A., Ruprecht P., Zheng W., Winslow H., Wiejaczka J., Becerra P., Delgado F., Munoz C., Reath K., Pritchard M., Gonnermann G., Giachetti T. (2023) Surface temperatures of the Cordon Caulle (Chile) 2011–2012 laccolith mapped in the thermal IR by a UAV and satellites. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly.
Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Oeser M., Weyer S., Gonnermann H., Phelps P., Pritchard M., Delgado F., Muñoz-Saez C. (2023) Crystal mush evolution and storage conditions at Cordón Caulle, Chile. IAVCEI Scientific Assembly.
Gomez-Patron A., Lobos D., Sanchez P., Phelps P., Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Pritchard M., Delgado F., Reath K., Muñoz-Saez C. (2022) Analyzing changing thermal features at Puyehue-Cordon Caulle, Chile using satellite, field, and drone observations. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Gonnermann H., Phelps P., Pritchard M., Delgado F., Muñoz-Saez C. (2021) Crystal-mush storage constraints for the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic complex AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
Phelps P., Gonnermann H., Liao Y., Ruprecht P., Winslow H., Jordan J. (2021) Connecting Magma Chamber Mush Dynamics to Post Eruptive Reinflation at Cordón Caulle. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl.
Winslow E., Ruprecht P. (2021) Determining crystal-mush storage conditions and rhyolite formation for the 2011-12 Puyehue Cordón Caulle eruption. Geologic Society of American Cordilleran Section, Reno.
Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Gonnermann H., Phelps P., Pritchard M., Delgado F., Muñoz-Saez C., Amigo A. (2020) Crystal-Mush Storage and Rhyolite Formation for the 2011-12 Puyehue-Cordón Caulle Eruption (INVITED), AGU Fall Meeting 2020.
Phelps P., Gonnermann H., Delgado F., Pritchard M.E., Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Amigo A., Muñoz-Saez C. (2019) Post-Eruptive Reinflation of Cordón Caulle, Chile, by Melt Extraction from a Crystalline Mush. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V23D-0252.
Winslow H., Ruprecht P., Gonnermann H., Phelps P., Pritchard M.E., Delgado F., Muñoz-Saez C., Amigo A., (2019) Exploring the Role of Mafic Magmas and Their Volatile Content During the 2011-12 Puyehue-Cordon Caulle Eruption. AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V23D-0243. (AGU Outstanding Student Presentation Award)
Ruprecht P., Winslow H. (2017) Short-circuiting magma differentiation from basalt straight to rhyolite? AGU Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V11C-0366.
Ruprecht P., Winslow H., Pritchard M., Basualto D., Garcia F. (2017) Recharge of silicic magmatic systems - Mafic magmas driving the 2011 Puyehue-Cordón Caulle eruption? IAVCEI. (INVITED)
Pritchard M.E., Delgado F., Ruprecht P., Lundgren P.R., Anderson K., Lara L. E., Bertin D., Kubanek J., Reath K. (2017) Precursors and evolution of the 2011-2012 rhyodacite eruption of Cordón Caulle, southern Chile. IAVCEI. (INVITED)